Halogen gas leak detector

2016-4-13      View:
  • Brand   Oceanus
  • Type   OC-H901
  • Inquire Now

Portable halogen gas leak detector


1. Microcomputer processor control with advanced digital signal collecting and processing ability.

2. Single color LED display.

3. Convenient and practical keypad.

4. Advanced functions with fast reset key, 6-level sensitivity adjustable and battery voltage display.

5. 14 inch (35.5cm) soft probe.

Leak for other systems and storage/recovery vessel. The product takes effect to all the halogen acting refrigerating medium with chlorine and fluorine included, which include but are not limited to: 
   1) CFCs : R12, R11, R500, R503 etc. 
   2) HCFCs : R22, R123, R124, R502 etc. 
   3) HFCs : R134a, R404a, R125 etc. 
   4) Other mixers such as AZ-50, HP62, MP39, etc. 
1. Detect Ethylene Oxide gas leaks in hospital sterilizing equipment (it will detect the homogenate carrier gas). 
2. Detect SF-6 in high voltage circuit breakers. 
3. Detect most gases that include Chlorine, Fluorine and Bromine (halogen gases). 
4. Detect cleaning agents used in dry-cleaning equipment such as carbon tetrachloride. 
5. Detect perchloroethyl in fire extinguishing system.

Power supply: DC3V, Size 2 Alkaline batteries(2)
 Maximum sensitivity: 3g/yr
 Battery life expectancy: About 30 hours under normal condition
 Working mode: continue and no limit

 Working temperature: 0~52℃
 Reaction time: Instantaneous
Warm-up time: 6 s
 Reset time: 2 s
Weight: 560g
Length of the probe: 35.5cm 

If you need the halogen gas leak detector or other portable gas detector, welcome contact with us.

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