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About the Ammonia gas, what the details you should know…

2017-11-16      View:

Ammonia (NH3) gas as a colorless, alkaline gas comprised of Nitrogen and Hydrogen with a strong odor, usually associated with the window cleaner. Ammonia is a natural, biological agent in organisms that help to form the aminoacids, which are the basic building blocks of the proteins. It also involved in the natural decomposition of plant and animal materials. When present in higher concentration, the Ammonia gas is hazardous to workers.


What is the applications of the Ammonia (NH3) gas?

Cleaning chemicals;

Agricultural fertilizer;

Refrigerant gas that has in large part replaced chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs);

Water purification;

Manufacturing plastics and other chemicals;

A building block for pharmaceuticals.


Harm to human

Once released to the environment, the NH3 gas is very quick to attach itself to moisture, such as found in person’s eyes, mouth, throat, lungs and on skins. Ammonia is very caustic, forming ammonium hydroxide that has a higher ph than water and can damage respiratory systems, disrupt the vision and irritate or burn skin upon contact. The caustic action of ammonium hydroxide damages cell membranes, causing more liquid to be released that further interacts with ammonia gas, perpetuating the effects on the human body.


According to the relevant data that people begin to smell the ammonia gas range from the 5~50ppm, in the industry indicated that workers consistently subjected to weak ammonia levels become somewhat desensitized to its presence.

When expose to the Ammonia gas range from 24~50ppm after ten minutes, the nose and throat will have the irritation. If higher NH3 gas concentration of 72~134ppm, the same irritation will occur in about five minutes. For the high NH3 gas concentration of 700ppm, immediate and severe irritation would likely occur. At a concentration of 5000ppm, respiratory spasms and rapid suffocation occurs. At 10000 ppm, pulmonary edema and potentially fatal accumulation of liquid in the lungs would occur.


Gas detector with the Ammonia NH3 sensor


Because of the Ammonia gas with a large range of use, from a refrigerant and fertilizer to being a raw material for many processes, it’s hazardous to the health of nearby workers and the public. Portable gas detector and Fixed gas detector with the ammonia sensor is an invaluable method for businesses to help workers keep an eye on safe work environments and the potential for ammonia gas exposure.

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