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Why Pesticide Residue Detectors Are Important in Detecting Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables

2024-6-13      View:

Pesticides are extensively used in agriculture for crop protection against pests, insects, and diseases. While these chemicals are essential for crop production, they also pose potential health hazards to consumers when residues remain in the fruits and vegetables during food processing and preparation. This is why it's important to test for pesticide residues in produce before they reach consumers.

portable pesticide residue tester

A pesticide residue detector or agricultural residue detector is a device that can detect residues of pesticides or other chemicals in food. Among these devices is the pesticide residue analyzer, which consists of a substrate and a highly sensitive enzyme. This detector uses advanced patented technology to simultaneously detect aminocarbamates (carbamates) and organophosphorus pesticides.


Carbamate and organophosphate pesticides are especially dangerous as they can cause tumors, mutations, and developmental issues. The detector is compatible with a variety of fruits and vegetables, including grapes, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, and cucumbers, and can detect residues as low as 0.01mg/kg. It's also easy to use, lightweight, and portable making it suitable for both laboratory use and field testing.

Pesticide residue tester 4

Using a pesticide residue detector is the best way to ensure that the fruits and vegetables you consume are free of harmful chemical residues. If a sample tests positive for pesticide residues, farmers can harvest the produce early, reducing the risk of residue contamination. Additionally, farmers can use this technology to economically and efficiently monitor pesticide residues throughout the growing process.


Pesticide residue tester

Our company provides a variety of handheld and desktop pesticide residue meters to meet various needs for daily testing.